Penthouse StagingBy Hope Designs

Penthouse Staging

Penthouse Staging: Helping You Sell Your Suite Faster

It’s been proven that suites that have been prepared by penthouse staging experts sell a lot faster compared to others that have not been given the same amount of attention. In fact, you can really shave many days off the length of time your penthouse sits on the market before it attracts a buyer willing to put in an offer. Being able to sell quickly is extremely important. For starters, the longer your penthouse sits on the market, the more money it will cost you to carry it. From property taxes to utilities, the longer you hold onto your penthouse, the more money you’ll be spending out-of-pocket.

Having your penthouse sit on the market will also mean the added hassle of having buyers continue to walk in and out of your place. That means you’ll have to consistently keep the unit in tip-top condition at all times, which can start to get quite cumbersome as time passes. It’s tough to make your penthouse appear untouched, all while trying to live your day-to-day life.

It should also be noted that the longer your penthouse lingers on the market, the more ‘stale’ the listing will get. As the listing gets older, buyers will increasingly wonder if there is something wrong with the place. After all, with no one putting in an offer, there’s got to be a problem with the unit, or so buyers may think. That is why it is imperative to engage in penthouse staging even before you list your suite for sale.
penthouse staging

Penthouse Staging: Helping You Sell Your Suite For More Money

It’s also been proven that units that have been given the touch of a penthouse staging professional sell for more money. The entire premise of selling your penthouse is to sell for as much money as possible. Obviously, there is only so much you can ask for your unit, as the market will dictate what your place is worth, and you can only sell for as much as buyers are willing to pay.

But you can certainly take measures to make sure your penthouse demands as much money as possible. With penthouse staging efforts, you can effectively increase the value of your suite, and make the place as attractive as possible to really impress buyers. The more buyers are attracted to your penthouse, the more likely they are to put in higher offers.


Penthouse Staging: Helping Buyers Visualize Themselves Living in Your Space

With the help of effective penthouse staging, you can successfully help prospective buyers see themselves living in your suite. In order to be successful at selling your home, you essentially need to help foster an emotional connection between the unit and the buyer. The more buyers are able to become emotionally attached to a home, the more likely they will be to want to buy it.

That’s what condo staging is all about – it sells a lifestyle to buyers, rather than simply decorating it to appeal to the homeowner. Buyers need to envision themselves calling the place home, and in order to do that, they need to be able to clearly ‘see’ what space can look like with their belongings. They need to really understand how space can work for them, and how it can fit their lifestyles.

Buyers are notorious for having trouble trying to see past clutter, bad furniture arrangement, and even empty spaces. While the home may have everything they need, they often have trouble seeing it if the place is not presented appropriately. Penthouse staging helps to showcase how a place can be used to its highest and best use. With effective furniture arrangement, and the right colours and decor, you can effectively show buyers how well a space can work for them.

By choosing the right decor and furniture, making the right arrangements, and eliminating as much clutter and personal artifacts as possible, penthouse staging can work to appeal to a higher number of prospective buyers. And of course, the more buyers find your home appealing, the more likely you will be to obtain offers sooner rather than later! Penthouse staging truly is a must for anyone who is ready to sell their unit. By presenting your penthouse in a positive light, more buyers will be attracted to your unit and put in offers.

At Hope Designs, we have mastered the art of penthouse staging. We’ve worked with countless sellers who have been in the market to sell their penthouses and have helped them experience successful transactions. With our level of experience and expertise, you can realistically expect to sell your penthouse a lot faster, and for a lot more money than if you had neglected to participate in penthouse staging at all.

We closely study the exact type of buyers who are looking in your neighbourhood and building. After we’ve developed a profile of the target buyers, we find out exactly what they are looking for in a penthouse. With this information, we then come up with a design to put our penthouse staging plan of action into effect. By offering buyers what they want, you can expect lots of buyers to want to call your penthouse home! Contact Hope Designs today to schedule your consultation, and you’ll be well on your way to selling your penthouse quickly and for top dollar!

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